The Call: Lung Transplant

“The Call” in the CF world that’s what we refer to as that moment where a person who has been awaiting a transplant officially has lungs ready for them. I know many people who have gotten “the call” & it’s such a rush of emotions. It’s a situation where you never forget what you were doing when it happens. One of my favorite memories was when my man Brian flipped us the double bird saying enjoy trying to breathe MF’s as he was carted off LOL… With that said getting a transplant can be one of the hardest decisions with the toughest information to process. The facts: After a lung transplant a CFer still has the defective CF gene that affects the rest of their body (sinuses, pancreas, intestines, sweat glands, and reproductive tract)About 80% of transplanted patients live 1-year post-op & more than 50% live 5 years post-op. It is becoming more common for multiple organ transplants as CF has affected other organs such as the kidneys or liver. I heard this analogy from Jerry Cahill “Transplant is not a cure, in many ways you are trading one disease for another.” This is important because it reminds people to put the effort to care for the new organs. Not to mention the financial burden getting a transplant places on families. Prayer to all my Cysters & Fibros in the work upstage, one the list, awaiting the call, or who has just received the call…
